Weeks 23-24: Accepting Criticism with Grace
Let’s face it, criticism can be challenging to accept. To a perfectionist – it’s a bullet to heart. But without constructive criticism, there is no motivation for growth, adaptation, or development of our…
Weeks 19-22: Clinical Inpatient
The role of the Registered Dietitian in the clinical inpatient setting was a total mystery me to me prior to starting rotations at the hospital. I knew the focus was acute care coupled…
Week 10: Bariatrics
Bariatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity. Although diet and exercise are the first-line treatment, medical therapy for severe obesity has limited success. Weight loss surgery…
Week 2: Food Service Management in Long-Term Care
Week 2 of 25 as a Dietetic Intern with Iowa State University