Week 14: Renal Care and Dialysis
People don’t usually think about their kidneys. Generally speaking, the kidneys and how they work are a mystery to many of us. We know we have two, although one is all that is needed to…
Weeks 11-13: Narrowing my Niche
Week thirteen marks the halfway point in my dietetic internship! It’s bizarre to think I have been completing rotations for over three months. Lately, I have been contemplating the answer to a question I…
Week 10: Bariatrics
Bariatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity. Although diet and exercise are the first-line treatment, medical therapy for severe obesity has limited success. Weight loss surgery…
Week 9: The Comprehensive NCP
I’ve finished my first week in clinical! My focus this week was to acclimate to the clinical setting, brush-up on disease states, and practice the NCP (Nutrition Care Process).