New Year, New Services: Elevate Your Diabetes Care in 2025
Over the past year, I’ve been dedicated to expanding and refining the services I offer to provide exceptional support in diabetes care and education. As we step into 2025, it’s the perfect time…
Banning Artificial Food Dyes: Health Risk or Overreaction?
Lately, I’ve been fielding more questions than usual about food dyes, and I can’t help but wonder if the recent ban on six harmful food dyes in California schools is sparking more concern.…
Embracing JOMO: Finding Peace in Professional Life
The article discusses the contrast between FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and JOMO (Joy of Missing Out). It emphasizes the benefits of adopting a JOMO mindset, such as reduced stress, improved focus, and…
The Value of Clinical Mentorship
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to have a clinical mentor? Someone you could message for support in a pinch, whether you’re feeling stuck or just need a second opinion?…
Entrepreneurship in Diabetes Care and Education
As I wrap up my first year as Chair and Founder of the ADCES Connect Entrepreneurship Community of Interest, I am deeply inspired by the creativity and innovation of my peers. What started…