Is glucose the new gluten? Sarah Hormachea Diabetes Care and Education

Is Glucose the New Gluten?

Recently, a news media outlet asked me whether glucose is becoming the new gluten, hinting at whether nutrition trends have led to an unjustified fear and preoccupation with blood sugar. The media outlet referenced the impact of social media influencers like #GlucoseGoddess and Signos Health, that promote a hyperawareness of blood glucose outside the setting of diabetes.  Are they on to something? Should we be tracking our glucose in an effort to prevent diabetes and promote optimal health? 

Does Blood Glucose Matter Outside of Diabetes?

Understanding the connection between blood sugar levels and our mood, energy, and food cravings can encourage healthier eating habits. Opting for a high-fiber breakfast that keeps sugars low and stable can ensure consistent energy throughout the morning, as opposed to a sugary poptart that often causes a sharp spike followed by a sugar crash. Conversely, a sugary sports drink that leads to a quick rise in glucose might be beneficial before a strenuous workout in hot and humid weather.

Beyond that, intensive glucose monitoring for the general public is unnecessary. In fact, it may be doing more harm than good by creating an unhealthy fear of carbohydrates and post-meal spikes. Most experts agree that a 30-50 point rise after a carbohydrate-based meal is normal. 

How Can I Improved My Blood Sugars?

When it comes to promoting good metabolic health, prioritize healthy and sustainable habits. Regular daily physical activity,  structured exercise sessions lasting 30 minutes or more, maintaining a healthy body fat percentage, consuming predominantly plant-based foods rich in protein and fiber, and ensuring sufficient sleep and relaxation are all key. No need to purchase expensive and unnecessary glucose monitors to guide your habits.