Week 8: The 3-Step Counseling Strategy
The 3-step counseling strategy was developed to help WIC staff and health care workers promote positive health practices.
Step One – Ask open ended questions to prompt data collection. Open ended questions are structured to elicit a large volume of information.
“What have you heard about breastfeeding?” “How are you planning to feed your baby?” “Tell me about you child’s eating habits?”
To probe for more information, extend or ask the client to tell you more.
“What else have you heard about that?” “Could you tell me a little more about that?” “When you say ______, do you mean ______?”
Reflecting acknowledges that you understand the client.
“So, you think your mother would disapprove?” “So, you’re saying that situations makes you uncomfortable?”
Redirecting helps the client shift to a different subject.
“What other concerns do you have about starting your baby on solid foods?” “Besides your concern for drinking and breastfeeding, is there anything else that bothers you?”
Step Two – Affirm the clients feelings by acknowledging what has been said and reassign feelings. This builds participant’s confidence and self-respect.
“I’ve heard a lot of women say that.” “I felt that way, too.”
Step Three – Educate based on data collected in step one. The information is presented in small bites and the client is encouraged to participate in the learn process.
“I want you to eat more fiber in your diet.” “Based on what we discussed, can you think of 2 ways you can incorporate more fiber?”
Until next week,