Week 6: Food Service Wrap-Up
Good-bye hairnets, chef coats, and 5am wake-up calls. I’ve finished 250 hours of food service management!
Actually, I am bummed to move on. I really love the lively atmosphere of the kitchen and the variety of each day. There is never a dull moment! I’ve spent the past two weeks in school food service and have had the opportunity to work on some great projects;
→ I developed and presented an in-service training on counting and claiming (a method to track reimbursable meals) to 25 kitchen managers.
→ I conducted a menu review and analysis to confirm that they 2015-2016 menu meets the nutrition and composition requirements as determined by USDA’s Food and Nutrition Services 2010 Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act.
→ I prepared an MPLH (meal per labor hour) report for 20 schools to determine staffing needs. MPLH = total meals/total labor hours. The industry standard for public school is 13 – 15 mplh.
→ I designed a promotional breakfast program postcard to be distributed to 50,000 Denver families.
I have also had some great hands-on experience;
→ I served breakfast and lunch twice at a high school, once at a middle school, and twice at an elementary school.
→ I trained six student workers on school policy, HACPP, and customer service concepts.
→ I participated in the new hire process, interviewing six potential new employees.
Next, I start a 100 hour rotation in community at a WIC (women, infant and children) site just outside of Denver. Wish me luck!
Until next week,